Friday, July 17, 2009

I think humans call it natural selection.

Well, that's whats happening here with my kits. Jigme is breathing fine here in the thin air. However, the upper mountains are not going easy on Kitsi. She's old enough to start eating solid food, but she is too weak to digest. I don't have enough milk to keep feeding her. I can't bear to see her in such a pitiful state.

The shepherds never bring their sheep up here so this is a safe refuge, but should I sacrifice Kitsi's health and comfort for the safety of all three of us???

What do you guys think? What should I do?

Love, Tara.

<$BlogItemAuthor>lived on11:28 AM

You sometimes experience things that are beyond your grasp of understanding. Like waking up one day and finding the sea sponge you were sleeping on has moved away. Or finding yourself lost in a small, tight area. Even odder for an animal who has fought all her life to find food and protection, to feel no appetite for the corals or organisms. Then noticing with wonder how for the past few weeks, one has not once felt hungry.

I've told some people of the accident in the tank where the Shark Bruno bashed himself through the tank walls, and I'm glad to say that he is in a good condition now. But there has been some talk bubbles in some groups and I think that some fish are planning to escape.

A slug can't blame them, but I've become more at home here than in the open seas. Sure, its stifling and there are no currents or waves to toss me around, but its safe from the wild predators and I always have enough to eat. I have no problems with shifting temperatures here, no worries of oil spills and what other mischief man does to my home.

Yet, I feel like going back. But no, I will die if I attempt anything. In a plastic bag, trying to make my way into the ocean I will die on the sand as I can never push myself as quickly as the other fish. Once they decide to detoxify me and my natural defence system is removed, I can got to the petting pool. They say the environment is very much like a rock pool.

But what more can a sea slug want? The groups and factions are quarreling and trying to decide. They confuse me so much. Telling me to do this or not do that, altogether disbanding me from their plans. But it doesn't matter. If I can't travel out, at least my friends can, and I'll do everything I can to help so long as its in this tank.

Etana Chromodoris

<$BlogItemAuthor>lived on7:49 AM


Life Amenaza

Amenaza is the Spanish word for threat. Please understand our cause. The animal kingdom (man included) is being threatened.

The Droplet...

We are three animals. A sea slug, a snow leopard and a South China Tiger. We are here to tell you our stories, stories that are told only by us, but have been experienced by many other animals in the world.

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